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Behind the Wall of Sleep
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Halloween 2010

Mike and Lisa as The Riddler and Poison Ivy.


































And CW as the coolest Snake Eyes ever...


Posted by Stu at 04:41
Updated: Sunday, 31 October 2010 04:45
Monday, 16 August 2010
We're Home!

Somebody tell my niece to clear a big space on her snow-globe shelf...

2 Corinthians 7:1

Cleveland Day 3

Actually most of this day was spent in Sandusky at Cedar Point. Holy crap that place is big.

Once we're home, I'll scan the picture of CW on the Top Thrill Dragster... Classic.




























 And here's one I hijacked from the Rock and Roll HoF website:

























Romans 14:8

Posted by Stu at 06:49
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Cleveland Day 2

Cleveland is home to the actual "A Christmas Story" house. Yes, the actual house used in the film. And today they had an extra special guest; Ian Petrella who played little brother "Randy."




















After that we went to lunch at the Hard Rock.









































After lunch we went to the place we came here for: The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. The bastards wouldn't let us take pictures inside, though.



















 Revelation 3:14,20

Posted by Stu at 06:19
Saturday, 14 August 2010
Cleveland Day 1

Remind me to NEVER schedule a vacation that requires a flight after a 20 hour ordeal on a plane...

Holy Crap!

Saw the Indians tonight. They lost 3-2 to the Mariners, but there was a super-cool fireworks/music show after.

Revelation 3:14,20

Posted by Stu at 08:47
Friday, 13 August 2010
In Atlanta

I will never, NEVER get off of one plane and on to another again. My son is lucky I like him...

Ephesians 2:10

Posted by Stu at 19:03
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
In Kuwait


I'm in Kuwait. Tomorrow night/Wednesday morning I'll be boarding a plane and heading back to God's Country, Texas.

If I'm lucky, I'll never see the Middle East again.

Luke 12:6-7

Posted by Stu at 00:56
Monday, 26 July 2010
Suitable for Framing

































Hebrews 11:1

Posted by Stu at 21:35
New Pics Added to Album


Go here: http://www.waltsweb.net/iraq_2010

I leave Iraq 2 weeks from today. I will be home in 17 days.Laughing

Psalm 119:60

Posted by Stu at 00:32
Sunday, 18 July 2010
You're Probably Wondering...


Why I haven't posted in a while.

Well, things are pretty normal around here.

I am however considering getting this for my Mom:













Romans 1:16

Saturday, 10 July 2010

























































































Philippians 1:6

Posted by Stu at 15:58
Friday, 9 July 2010
Mood:  on fire


118 today. So of course, we lose power. 116+ days and we seem to always have power issues. Then I have to deal with three different contracting companies to get it back up and running. Fun, fun, fun...

Supposed to be 120+ this weekend and then up to 125+ next week.

I can hardly wait...

Ephesians 3:20-21

Posted by Stu at 21:51
Monday, 21 June 2010
8 Kinds of Ridiculous...


O830hrs this morning and it was 122 degrees. It's 2246hrs right now and a chilly 86 degrees. Seriously, when you spend all day at 125+, 86 feels chilly.

In other news, I have officially paid off my lovely wife's Jeep!! The only bill we have now is the house and I am considering a job as a WalMart greeter. Cool

Mark 8:36

Friday, 18 June 2010
New Pics

I've uploaded some new pics to the photo album. Again, some you may have already seen posted here on the blog...


 Ephesians 6:4

Posted by Stu at 21:44
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Two Things
One: Happy Birthday Nannie!
Two: For my oldest son- I expect you to be able to do this by the time I get home.

Posted by Stu at 21:31
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
It was 121 degrees today...


It's 0026hrs (12:26am) right now and it's 99 degrees!

It's supposed to "cool off" for the rest of the week (the high should only be 118).

I love this country...

Philippians 3:20

Posted by Stu at 01:28
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Happy Anniversary


To the people who unleashed me into the world...

I love you both.

Proverbs 19:14

Posted by Stu at 20:58
File Under: Small World and One Heck of a Coincidence

Ian, Jason and I were on the way to chow tonight when, for whatever reason, we began talking about Chaplains.

We pulled into the parking lot and began walking to the chow hall, still talking about Chaplains. As we made the turn into the secure area, I was talking about Chaplain Moore (from Germany) and was about to mention Chaplain Polk (807 Med Bde) when we had to show id's and the conversation trailed off.

I finished eating and walked into the other room to get a "to go" plate... And who do you think was walking in the entrance on his way to get some grub?? Chaplain Polk!!!!! The last time I saw him was 1988 and I did such a double take that I almost snapped my neck. At first I wasn't sure, he was still a Captain but then I noticed the cross emblem.

"Chaplain Polk, is that you? From the 807th?" I asked.


Holy crap (pardon the pun). It seems he left the army sometime after I left the 807th. 20 years later he reupped (that explains the rank). He said he was getting promoted to Major soon though.

How insane is that?!?!?

Colossians 3:13

Posted by Stu at 20:07
Monday, 7 June 2010
Future Photos
Mood:  bright

I've created a new photo album. There are 8 pictures there now, some you may have already seen, some you may not have seen. I will be adding to it over the next week or so (the process is tedious). I figured it's a better way to show them off than posting them in the blog.

So from now on, if they aren't relating to an actual blog entry, I'll post them in the album. Oh, you'll still see some here but, only when they are needed to illustrate a point in an entry.

Go here: http://www.waltsweb.net/iraq_2010/

See? This is my "bright idea" face...


















Corinthians 2:9

Posted by Stu at 00:01
Updated: Monday, 7 June 2010 05:34

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